Things to do in the Charming Old Town of Semarang, Java, Indonesia

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Visiting the charming Old Town of Semarang will offer loads of photo ops. I, for one, couldn't stop clicking away. Click, click, click. There's something about old, crumbling buildings that render them infinitely photogenic.


I think what makes them so appealing is the layers of texture and hues that reveal themselves over time. At times, hidden brick is uncovered, a thin layer of moss grows or a beautiful patina starts to form, all creating unique designs by nature.


Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. You're probably wondering where in the world is the Old Town of Semarang. I'll get to that right now.





Semarang is the capital city of Central Java, the largest island in Indonesia. It’s located North of Yogyakarta, and about 435 km from Jakarta. Semarang is reachable by train or by bus from most cities on the island of Java. Of course, taking a flight is also an option.


As I researched what to see on my travels through Java, I came across Kampung Pelangi. Thanks to my love for all things creative, I added this village to my list of things to see. That's how I ended up in Semarang, a city I had never heard of. Of course, my stay lead me to exploring what more the city had to offer.


Decrepit Dutch building in the Old Town of Semarang, Java, Indonesia




Kota Lama Semarang, its name in Bahasa Indonesia, dates back to the 17th century. During this period, Semarang became a multi-cultural trading hub in South East Asia. Javanese, Chinese, Malays, Arabs and the Dutch all passed through or settled in Semarang over the span of 350 years.


Each culture left its mark to varying degrees but the Dutch gained control of the city in 1682. As a result, they contributed greatly in the construction and planning of Semarang. During this Colonial Era, many buildings and houses were erected in conformity with Dutch architecture.


Antique car in the Old Town of Semarang, Java, Indonesia


As time went by, the Dutch eventually left Semarang and the Outstadt was forgotten. For many years following, the once prestigious Old Town gave way to a Red Light district where crime and prostitution were rampant. The decaying state of the Old Town eventually forced the city to recognize the value of its Dutch heritage. The municipality finally took the initiative to restore many of the buildings to their former glory. This insightful conservation project turned the Old Town of Semarang into one of the prettiest areas in South East Asia.


Given its dubious past, is the Old Town of Semarang safe to visit? Yes, indeed! The Old Town has been revived into a hip and happening venue for curious visitors, upcoming artists, and the young crowd of Semarang. And, there’s plenty of things to do in the Old Town of Semarang!


Street view of the Old town of Semarang, Java, Indonesia Visiting the Old Town of Semarang, Java, Indonesia




Unfortunately, as Semarang developed into a modern metropolis, some parts of the old town were, once again, gravely neglected. Perfectly aged patinas took over forgotten surfaces, tree roots clung to crumbling walls, and crumbling plaster created abstract lines on the buildings.


That brings me back to what I was saying at the beginning of this post: There's just something about old, crumbling buildings that render them so photogenic. In my opinion, this state of disarray is exactly what makes the Old Town of Semarang so charming. I was absolutely smitten with the beautiful, natural decay of these abandoned buildings.


Click, click, click.


Old Dutch building in the Old Town of Semarang, Java, Indonesia




Having said that, decrepit buildings might not be everyone's cup of tea but bear with me. I'm about to reveal other reasons why the Old Town of Semarang is worth a visit. First of all, it's surprisingly clean. In fact, the city of Semarang was named the cleanest tourist destination in South East Asia for 2020.


Second of all, there's no shortage of ways to spend your time in the Old Town. Some of the former Dutch residences have been revived into quaint coffee shops, cute boutiques or inviting restaurants. Of course, all keeping in line with the original Dutch architecture. Walking around the Old Town of Semarang will make you feel like you stepped back in time nearly 300 years.


Next up....Calling all vintage enthusiasts!


Pink bicycle in front of Blenduk Church in the Old Town of Semarang, Java, Indonesia




Klithikan Antique Market (Komunitas Klithikan Antik Kota Lama) specializes in vintage items. Several stalls feature items from a bygone era such as creepy dolls, antique Chinese enamel dishes, antique jewelry and everything in between. Perrusing the Klithikan Antique Market is definitely a fun and unique experience while visiting the Old Town of Semarang. You might even find a memento of old Semarang to take home!


Klithikan Antique Market/Komunitas Klithikan Antik Kota Lama in the Old Town of Semarang, Java, Indonesia



After wandering around the Klithikan Antique Market, head to Blenduk Church. The neo-classical church was built in 1753 and is the most famous landmark in the Old Town of Semarang. The church is located near the town square known as Srigunting Park.


The pristine white walls of Blenduk Church create a lovely backdrop against the greenery of the park. Srigunting Park beckons passersby to take a leisurely stroll through its manicured gardens. While you're there, remember to strike a pose on the pink bicycle.


Blenduk Church, Old Town of Semarang, Java, Indonesia

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After wandering around the charming Old Town of Semarang, you can head by foot to nearby Chinatown. Following the Javanese, Chinese are the second largest ethnic group in Semarang. Naturally, establishments such as temples and markets catering to the large Chinese community have sprouted.


The most famous Chinese temple in Semarang is Tay Kak Sie built in 1746. To be honest, I didn't visit this temple as I was too 'busy' soaking up the atmosphere in Chinatown. To compensate, here's a photo of a small temple I came across while wandering around.


That wraps up the list of things to do in the Old Town of Semarang! As you can see, the Old Town of Semarang is definitely worth a visit.


Tay Kak Sie Chinese Temple, Semarang, Java, Indonesia




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Things to do in the Old Town of Semarang, Java, Indonesia



3 Responses

  1. […] Things to do in the Charming Old Town of Semarang […]

  2. […] Read also: A Visit to the Charming Old Town of Semarang […]

  3. […] If ever you're in Central Java, make sure to pay a visit to Kampung Pelangi – the Rainbow Village of Semarang. Contrary to what the name suggests, the 'village' isn't in a hard-to-reach, remote area. In fact, the slum-turned-Rainbow Village is located right in the city, making it very easy to get to. Most people know about the village but, as a reference, you can mention Kembang Kalisari Market (the village is behind the market). If you want to take public transportation, there's a bus stop conveniently located right in front of the market. From the village, you'll have no problems getting to other tourist attractions in Semarang. […]

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By: Lydia May 25, 2020
